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Пишет beotia ([info]beotia)
@ 2015-12-23 19:29:00

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the Origins of the Vulgar Virtues Taught by Religion through the Institution of Matrimony
Ребенок с синдромом Протея
страшно +73 нестрашно

Poetic monsters and metamorphoses arose from a necessity of this first human nature, its inability, as shown in the Axioms, to abstract forms or properties from subjects. By their logic they had to put subjects together in order to put their forms together, or to destroy a subject in order to separate its primary form from the contrary form which had been imposed upon it. Such a putting together of ideas created the poetic monsters. In Roman law, as Antoine Favre observes in his lurisprudentia papinianea scientia, children born of prostitutes are called monsters because they have the nature of men together with the bestial characteristic of having been born of vagabonds or of casual unions. Of such sort we shall find those monsters to have been (children born of noble women without benefit of solemn nuptials) whom the Law of the Twelve Tables commanded to be thrown into the Tiber.