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Пишет beotia ([info]beotia)
@ 2017-03-05 01:12:00

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Музыка: Enjoykin — Космос Будет Наш

Это праздник с сединою на висках
Все злятся на демократов за то, что те до сих пор не подтвердили все номинации Трампа.
Я не злюсь совершенно.
Ведь самое главное уже случилось:

On February 7, 2017, DeVos was confirmed by the Senate by a 51–50 margin, with Vice President Mike Pence breaking the tie in favor of DeVos's nomination.


Спасибо тебе,

Mike "If you like Men, I'll dial to 10" Pence
Mike "turning fruits into vegetables" Pence
Mike "electric fence" Pence
Mike "electroshock your love of cock" Pence
Mike "like it in the crapper, get the zapper" Pence
Mike "Blast the gays with Tesla rays" Pence
Mike "LGBTBBQ" Pence
Mike "Follow God's path or feel Edison's wrath" Pence
Mike "Get your ass pounded, the wire won't be grounded" Pence
Mike "It's only a phase, now here's the taze" Pence
Mike "zap a dyke" Pence
Mike "If you catch or pitch, I flip the switch" Pence
Mike "Mister thinks he's a sister, become a human resistor" Pence
Mike "If men give you an erection, this circuit's making a connection" Pence
Mike "If you like traps, you get the zaps" Pence
Mike "Deus Volt" Pence
Mike "Give 'em a shock 'til they hate cock" Pence