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Пишет dima_l ([info]dima_l)
@ 2005-12-01 20:11:00

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мало того, что негры, еще и пидоры

South African Court Affirms Gay Marriage

The decision does not take immediate effect, however. The Constitutional Court, which decided it is unconstitutional to prohibit gays from marrying, gave Parliament a year to make the necessary legal changes. That disappointed gay rights activists, some of whom have been waiting years to wed.

South Africa recognized the rights of gay people in the constitution adopted after apartheid ended in 1994 — the first in the world to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. But the government has opposed attempts to extend the definition of marriage in court to include same-sex couples in the mostly Christian country.

Пидоры нассали в "конституцию", а негры теперь должны терпеть, пока их петушат.

Да у негров судьба такая чтобы терпеть. А белые, они само собой там тоже негры.
