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Tuesday, September 19th, 2017

    Time Event

    Святая Троица. Неизвестный художник, XVIII в.

    Про диаграмму понятно, а вот про изображение с тремя лицами растолковывает Википедия:

    Even rarer is the depiction of the Trinity as a single anthropoid
    figure with three faces (Latin "Vultus Trifrons"), because the Trinity
    is defined as three persons in one Godhead, not one Person with three
    attributes (this would imply Modalism, which is defined as heresy in
    traditional Christian orthodoxy). Such "Cerberus" depictions of the
    Trinity as three faces on one head were mainly made among Catholics
    during the 15th to 17th centuries, but were condemned after the
    Catholic Council of Trent, and again by Pope Urban VIII in 1628, and
    many existing images were destroyed.

    Цербер в греческой мифологии — трехглавый пес, который охраняет выход из Аида.

    Пизда и орхидеи
    Нашел вот такой список испанских слов с индоевропейскими корнями:
    Vocabulario indoeuropeo (sustantivos)

    Там утверждается, что слово pozo (колодец, скважина) родственно слову пизда,
    а útero (матка) — слову ведро.

    Остальное не такое уж неожиданное.

    Ну, пожалуй, еще родство orquídea и ёрзать, через корень, обозначающий яйца.

    И действительно:
    The genus name comes from the Ancient Greek ὄρχις (órkhis), literally meaning "testicle",
    because of the shape of the twin tubers in some species of Orchis.

    Speakers of Middle English in the 1300s came up with a phonologically
    different word—inspired by the same exact dirty thought. They called
    the flower ballockwort from ballocks, or testicles, which itself
    evolved from beallucas, the Old English word for balls.

    Правда, про слово ёрзать непонятно, откуда они это взяли.

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