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Вести с полей [13 Aug 2013|01:36pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]

Сегодня поебался. Секс был нетрадиционный, групповой, межрасовый и особенно циничный — пришлось заставлять работать совместно PC с Win 7, два Макинтоша, Playstation 3, роутер с медиасервером и внешний жёсткий диск на терабайт, производителем отформатированный под NTFS.

It's not just encryption, it has security and indexing too. NTFS was developed waaayyyyyy back when Windows NT appeared to provide a robust and secure file system format for its network OS. it was so good they use in in XP, Vista, 7 etc. They also managed to get over the 4GB file limit that plagued FAT32.

It isn't really about paying rights to MS, it is purely a file system built for a specific purpose i.e for Windows-platform devices. It isn't just PS3 that can't handle it. As mentioned above the XBOX can't either. The same goes for Apple devices, NAS, anything with a USB port.

Until a new FAT32-style format appears we're all stuck with having to stream media. But PS3 reading NTFS is never gonna happen.

Не кончил. Похоже придётся форматировать внешний диск под FAT32. ПРИ СТАЛИНЕ ТАКОГО НЕ БЫЛО!
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