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Пишет anon75448 ([info]anon75448)
@ 2019-09-29 15:44:00

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Brexit hits hard on the UKs property market
[Property market] analysts warns: Brexit hits hard on the UKs property market


At the same time as the UK approaches the date for brexit the property proces begin to sink or slow down
Analysts warn that this can become even worse if the country crashes out of EU without a deal.

Average sales rose 0.7 percent in July, the slowest increase in nearly seven years. Analysts claim that the trend started with the Brexit vote in 2016.

"Over the past three years, we have seen a slowdown in price development in the UK, driven mainly by a slowdown in southern and eastern England," says Yael Selfin, chief economist at the KPMG audit firm.

"The market is still standing," says Beatrice Caboche at the real estate agency Barnes UK.

Many market operators expect the market to become even weaker in the future and do not want to overpay for housing that might lose value if the UK leaves the EU without a deal. Sellers, for their part, often choose to leave their houses empty rather than accepting too low a price.

In London, property prices fell 4% in the first quarter - the biggest fall in prices since 2009 after the financial crisis. In well-off areas such as Mayfair, Knightsbridge and South Kensington, price falls have been particularly strong. But the effect is also noticeable among cheaper houses, and Beatrice Caboche at Barnes UK warns that the effects could be worse than during the financial crisis.

"This time, prices have fallen slowly, but more steadily, and we see no recovery."