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Пишет anon75448 ([info]anon75448)
@ 2019-10-28 15:29:00

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Estonian police demands answer from Swedbank on why it took several years to stop transactions from Russian news agency "Russia Today" whose founder and chief Dmitry Kiselev is on the EU sanction list since 2014.

Not earlier than the week before the last, Swedbank stopped transactions with RT, reports Blomberg with reference to Estonian buseness newspaper Äripäev. According to Äripäev, RT could have made transactions of up to 50000 EUR.

The bank's estonian press chef wrote in an email to Bloomberg that all the information regarding the case is sent to the responsible authorities and they are waiting for an answer.

*Swedish press have not published any link to Blomberg; googling and surfing Bloomberg and Äripäev directly have not revealed any such material in open access either.