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дочку Путина высылают из Голландии за сбитый людьми ее отца Боинг [Jul. 23rd, 2014|07:55 pm]
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Мэр голландского города Хильверсум, где живет дочь Путина Мария, предложил депортировать ее из страны

Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin's daughter Maria should be extradited from the Netherlands, a local mayor demanded before apologising. Photograph: Mikhail Klimentyev/AP

Dutch frustration with Russia in the wake of the MH17 crash is taking on an increasingly personal note, as some called for Vladimir Putin's daughter to be deported from the Netherlands.

Pieter Broertjes, the mayor of the city of Hilversum, used a radio interview on Wednesday morning to call for 29-year-old Maria Putin, who is said to live in Voorschoten with her Dutch boyfriend [Jorrit Faassen], to be thrown out of the country.

More than half of the 298 people killed when the Malaysia Airlines plane crashed in eastern Ukraine last week were Dutch.

Broertjes later apologised for his remarks via Twitter, saying they were "not wise", but adding that "they stemmed from a feeling of helplessness that many will recognise".

A plane carrying the first 50 victims of the crash is expected to arrive this afternoon at Eindhoven airport, from where they will be transported to army barracks in Hilversum. The Dutch government has declared Wednesday a day of national mourning and will mark the bodies' arrival with a minute's silence across the country.

Ukrainians living in Holland have also called for a peaceful protest outside Putin's daughter's flat, according to De Telegraaf newspaper. It published a phoograph of the apartment complex where Maria is said to live alongside the article on Monday.

Very little is known about the Russian president's two daughters, Maria and Yekaterina, who are completely sheltered from media attention and have never been officially photographed as adults.

But there have been persistent rumours linking Maria with Dutch citizen Jorrit Faassen. Dutch media claimed that Putin visited the couple last year, something his spokesman denied.

Faassen has held senior roles in the Russian firms Gazprom and Stroytransgaz, a pipeline manufacturer, and hit the headlines when he was reportedly assaulted by the bodyguards of Russian banker Matvei Urin in a road-rage incident in Moscow in 2010. Urin was later arrested and jailed for fraud.

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версия Белковского о замужестве младшей дочери президента [Jun. 8th, 2013|03:48 pm]
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Белковский пишет:

Да, дочери выросли и даже, как утверждается, обзавелись [гражданскими] мужьями. Старшая – нидерландским архитектором Йостом Йорритом Фаассеном (интересно, как ВВП, спотыкавшийся некогда на произнесении слов «Рабиндранат Тагор», выговаривает это звездное имя?), из-за непочтительного отношения к которому крепко загремел за решетку банкир Матвей Урин. (Помните инцидент с бейсбольными битами на Рублевке?) 'Младшая, как принято считать, – вице-президентом СИБУРа Кириллом Шамаловым. Сыном путинского друга Николая Шамалова, главного строителя знаменитой якобы президентской резиденции на мысе Идокопас, близ поселка Прасковеевка под Геленджиком.

По версии политолога Руслана Саидова, младшая дочь Путина Екатерина замужем за Сергеем Сердюковым, сыном Анатолия Сердюкова от первого брака. (было здесь: ).
Популярна также версия о южно-корейском муже или женихе (или бывшем женихе) Кати Путиной:

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