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[Oct. 12th, 2006|07:50 pm]
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Написала всякую белиберду про Армению. Тоже пусть лежит. http://arvegger.livejournal.com/124730.html?mode=reply
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Date:November 3rd, 2006 - 09:52 am


sdgbsdahb (http://skjdfgb.com)

Date:September 20th, 2008 - 08:25 am

What Did you mean?

Georgia Offers Fresh Evidence on War’s Start
A new front has opened between Georgia and Russia, now over which side was the aggressor whose military activities early last month ignited the lopsided five-day war. At issue is new intelligence, inconclusive on its own, that nonetheless paints a more complicated picture of the critical last hours before war broke out.
Georgia has released intercepted telephone calls purporting to show that part of a Russian armored regiment crossed into the separatist enclave of South Ossetia nearly a full day before Georgia’s attack on the capital, Tskhinvali, late on Aug. 7.
Date:September 20th, 2008 - 06:42 pm

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