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Пишет aveterra ([info]aveterra)
@ 2005-06-02 12:30:00

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Steven Shamrak
Silence Doesn’t Work!

Someone must Scream, because the lives of Jewish people in danger again! You have to ask:
1. Where does the policy of endless concessions, uncertainty and stupidity of Withdrawal leads israel to? – Self-destruction!
2. What results had previous concessions brought to Israel and Jewish people? – Escalation of terror and increase of anti-Semitism world-wide!
Only strong, decisive actions against our enemies can stop terror, re-gain self-respect and respect of others, including anti-Semites.
The rights of Jewish people to live in peace on all Jewish land must not be the subject of the Left or Right of politics, or be subjected to political revisionism of the history.
People have to consider the History (ancient and modern), Knowledge of facts, human Psychology before they form opinion about Arab-Israel conflict. The time has come to say - "Enough"!
Israel’s Contribution to the World Progress.
Blessing for those with Hard-to-Find Veins. Israel's Vascular Technologies has developed an electronic device that can find a roll-away vein by beeping the moment the needle enters it. The device comprises a pressure sensor, signal-processing unit, battery and miniature speaker. It operates by sensing the change in pressure when the needle penetrates a vein, then beeps within a tenth of a second, completing the procedure.
Clothes that Adjust to Body Temperature. The Israel company Bagir is using a high technology wool blend designed to maintain a wearer’s comfort level. The special technology contains patented micro-encapsulated phase-change materials, called Thermocules, that absorb, store and release heat - maintaining a balance in temperature.
New Technology Tested in Israel. Nortel and Partner demonstrated advanced wireless and multimedia broadband services, including high-speed music transfers (MP3), DVD-quality video streaming and downloads of large e-mail attachments. The demonstrations were performed simultaneously with two different computers with connection speeds of more than 1 mega bit per second (mbps) over a UMTS network provided by Nortel. HSDPA has the ability to deliver broadband wireless at speeds of up to three times faster than today's commercially systems. (http://www.3g.co.uk/PR/May2005/1469.htm) (What have Arabs done for World lately? Excluding their greatest contribution to Humanity - the Terror!)
Food for Thought. by Steven Shamrak.
“What 'illegal settlements'? Gaza, Judea and Samaria are Jewish lands. As well as East of the river Jordan, they were included in the 'Palestine' mandate! Jews were robbed in 1948 and it is time to see it and take to factual account anti-Jewish propaganda, even if some it is perpetrated by Jews.”
Abbas has Flagged the Intensification of Terror. Abbas claims he stopped Arab Palestinian terrorism and he can revive it again. He told ABC's "This Week" that his administration has succeeded to "stop the culture of violence." What's more, he says if negotiations don't go his way, the "armed resistance" will return. (PA never intended to stop terrorism against Israel! 60 mortars and 10 homemade Qassam rockets landed at Jewish settlements and IDF personnel during the last two weeks, What the International reaction would be if Sharon said that if PA continue terror all Arabs will be expelled from Jewish land?)
‘Peace’ in Action. The 52nd Arab Teenage Bomber this year apprehended at a checkpoint outside Nablus last Tuesday caring two pipe bombs. The boy was spotted near the Hawara checkpoint. Two days before, a 14-year-old Arab wearing a bomb belt was arrested at the same checkpoint.
PA Disables Anti-Terror Device. PA police claimed they found and disabled an Israeli electronic device that monitored terrorist' leaders' phone conversations. They said the device was on a security fence and sent radio signals. (Instead of fighting terror, PA combating anti-terror!)
Hamas can Attack Britain. Hamas has several cells inside the United Kingdom and is capable of attacking the country, a senior Israeli security official told in response to a sermon, broadcast live on PA television, in which a cleric associated with Hamas threatened terror attacks against Britain. Sheikh Ibrahim Mudeiras said in a live sermon broadcast May 13, "We take this opportunity to hold Britain accountable and say there is revenge we can never forget! We cannot forgo the revenge we want to exact from Britain…” (Strangely, I agree with this madman. Britain is responsible for breaking Palestine a part and robbing Jews from their National homeland and creating all this chaos.)
PA website features 'Protocols’. The "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" is a forgery written by a German author in the 19th century that purports to detail a Jewish plot for world domination. The Russian secret police stirred up anti-Semitism with it. The link was found with a list of historical sources about Zionism on official Palestinian Authority's website. As part of the ‘road map’ peace plan, the PA has pledged to stop inciting against Israel. (This is the ‘Map’ that leads nowhere!)
Quotes of the Week:
“The day will come when everything will be relieved of the Jews - even the stones and trees which were harmed by them. Listen to the Prophet Muhammad, who tells you about the evil end that awaits Jews. The stones and trees will want the Muslims to finish off every Jew." from the official Friday sermon on Palestinian Authority TV. The speaker is Sheik Ibrahim Muderis, a paid employee of the PA. - May 13, 2005
Judicial Terrorism. Two 13-year-old girls were ordered by the courts today to remain in police custody following their arrest for blocking roads in protest against the government evacuation plan. Organizers of the road block protests accused the courts of being "an agent for the evacuation program" accused judges of freeing rapists and thieves while ignoring the rights of the people to protest. (Israel published a list of another batch of 400 Arab Palestinian terrorists to be released later this week. Statistically, this means that over 200 Arabs will join the ‘Peace process’ by killing Jews!)
Free Jonathan Pollard. Israel’s ambassador Daniel Ayalon met with Pollard last week at the North Carolina prison. Pollard pled guilty in 1986 as part of a deal with the prosecution. However, the judge threw aside the plea and sentenced Pollard to life in prison. (Even during Cold War, Soviet spies were not treated as tough as a Jew who gave Israel, friend of USA, information which US army supposed to provide! Even plea bargaining system was broken! Shame US!)
Comments on Comments:
Asked if Abbas Mazen was dealing firmly with terrorism, Bush replied: Abu Mazen is a man of democracy and peace. – Another lie. This is Diplomatic, mean Traitorous, double talk!
Shin Bet warns against Withdrawal. Yuval Diskin, new head of the Shin Bet, painted a bleak picture of Israel's security after the expulsion. Diskin told the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, "means terror and the firing of missiles” at Israeli targets. It would leave the IDF without “an effective method of fighting terror in the region.” Diskin also pointed out the dangers of handing over the Philadelphi route on the Gaza-Egyptian border to the PA, in the event that IDF forces withdraw totally from the Gaza district. (These are warnings not of ‘ultra-right’, but a government official who is paid to keep Israel safe!)
Sharon admits he doesn't trust Arab leaders. During a meeting in New York, PM Ariel Sharon questioned the commitment of Arab leaders to signed agreements with Israel, saying: "Without hurting the Arab world, it must be established that their agreements, declarations, and speeches are not worth the paper they were printed on." (It is even worse that he knows Arab’s agenda and continues betrayal of Jewish people.)

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