(no subject)

Jun. 6th, 2022 | 09:24 am

Americans usually don't know their own country history that well, and the rest of the world is but a bunch of popular myths.
So, the cancel culture looks like a modern invention, and they are trying to trace it to the founders of postmodernism and their proclivity for BDSM or to the ideas of Herbert Marcuse and his students. Yet model for the recent cancel culture grew out of political practice developed first in Soviet Union and perfected in Czechoslovakia in the late 60s - early 70s.

When killing ideological opponents of the regime was no longer a viable option due to bad publicity that followed, the staple solution was to starve them by refusing to employ them, - not necessarily in prisons and camps. All the socialist country was essentially a free-range Gulag. Those who don't work, shall not eat - that was the motto. And the dissidents cannot work by definition of "work" as a productive engagement with the State employer, the only one.

All those who expressed their disbelief in the bright future promised by the communists or who was in any other way unenthusiastic in their way of thinking, did not blend into the crowd celebrating the totalitarian regime were to be put on the brink of existence by job denial.

It is not well known in the West that totalitarian regime of the nominally communist European states was not outwardly dictatorial. There was no omnipotent dictator in the late USSR nor in Czechoslovakia. Leonid Brezhnev and Gustáv Husák did not have that much blood on their hands, they were not scary monsters like Stalin or Pol Pot. They were merely administrators presiding over the vast bureaucratic machinery employing an army of mediocrities. This faceless machine automatically ejected any bright individual who insisted on having an individual opinion about what is going on. This ejected human material consisted of hundreds of thousands of true elitarians, - most creative, bright and free-thinking human beings who by the virtue of their independent intellect were critical of the self-serving Party that occupied the political and moral high grounds.

In acknowledging that killing the dissenting intellectuals, scientists, architects, poets, artists or musicians would project a poor image on a public screen, all the efforts of the State were concentrated on making these individuals as small and insignificant as it is possible. The most common approach was to deny them professional roles they deserved and to starve them of prominent jobs. The promising scientist after a brief stint in jail for some fabricated criminal affair would end up working as a taxi driver. Simply because no university would employ him. Another rising political star would be demoted to the position of a clerk in the construction company. In case of most notorious dissidents they would become totally unemployable and would have to resort to illegal work under assumed names or some black market activities, i.e. to turn underground and criminal. Most importantly, no official newspaper would publish an article by any of these unwanted humans, no radio channel would allow them to speak, they were not to be filmed of photographed. Moreover - their photos were erased from earlier publications as something unwanted in our memories. Unwanted by whom? "By the people" - the leftist state apparatus would say invariably. By the dumbest, most insecure, most insignificant little people who are feeble on their own, but who make a crowd applauding sweet lies that were fed to them through the State television and newspaper reels.

Common Garden variety idiot was a firm foundation for the cancel culture of the late Soviet era. Not alone, but as a bunch - as a group of activists, collective of workers, crowd on state-enforced demonstrations of unity. To stick out of this crowd was both dangerous and practically as useless as to try and smash the walls of the state office with your own head. So most of us pretended to be idiots, participated in collectivist activities while thinking of something unrelated and distant, faked the enthusiasm until the idiocy became a habit, a skill required on a daily basis.

It was very naive to think that after the falls of Soviet regime in Russia and Czechoslovakia this cancel culture would die a natural death. The pundits of the West who studied politics of the Eastern Europe counterparts learned it as a practical tactics, allowing the mediocre politicians to ascend while knocking out their better opponents. An army of brainwashed idiots were making sure that democratic process stayed reliably subverted by the Party of mediocrities while being outwardly "for the people".

The general rule was to allow an access to the public venues, newspapers, TV stations only to those who firmly followed the current trend of the Party, no matter how imbecilic or impractical it was, and to instantly deplatform, shame and deface those who stepped out of line. If the secret political police officers were not everywhere, the useful idiots were ever present, acting as voluntary informers, augmented by some officially employed ones.

Destroying a better person reputation, leveling a prominent human with a dirt turned out to be far more useful than putting a bullet into his head. It helped to propel many careers of the worst of us.

A bunch of faceless mediocrities in power, an army of smiling idiots and some miserable dissidents here and there were a commonplace of so-called communist regimes, better be called an unrestrained bureaucratic apparatus monopolizing State power.

It is worth noting that an average Soviet politician was not a slimy usurper clinging to power; more frequently his or her mediocrity came with age. Twenty or thirty years of a steady office career with thousands of sticky handshakes makes a middling bureaucrat out of any bright idealist or a cruel misanthrope.

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(no subject)

Jun. 6th, 2022 | 11:10 am

Странным образом микроэссе о cancel culture выросло из желания накормить дочку манной кашей. Я нашел в интернетах рецепт, вспомнил как её нахваливали мама и бабушка, стараясь в меня эту кашу впихнуть, не без успеха поливая её вареньем, и как я блевал манной кашей в школе, когда её в столовой подали без варенья, но зато обильно сдобренной маргарином.

Дочка от манной каши без варенья, но с малыми толикой соли, сахара и масла отказалась наотрез, в самых недвусмысленных, хотя и невербальных выражениях. "Нет" она сказать пока не в состоянии, равно как и выбрать гендер. Но манную кашу пришлось есть папе, а остатки съел ретривер Тревис, используемый в таких случаях как бачок для компостирования кухонных отходов.

Потом я стал редактировать сырое эссе, и сделал из него натуральную манную кашу, остывшую, с пенкой и комками. То есть перепутал параграфы до того, что меня стало тошнить.

Потом я сходил в туалет, остыл и переставил параграфы, и исправил ошибки. Вот так манная каша не только вредна, но и полезна. Неконтролируемые ассоциации из глубин подсознания - это как раз и есть основа любого творчества, как утверждает John Cleese в согласии с видными психологами современностями. Но редактировать надо не на каше, не на каше надо этим заниматься.

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(no subject)

Jun. 6th, 2022 | 11:54 am

Кстати, если "женщина" определяется как взрослая особь человеческого рода женского пола, то куда мы деваем возраст согласия, который есть весьма условный продукт социального договора, воплощенный в законе, который делает педофилом любого, кто посмеет возбудиться на биологически взрослую особь женского пола, стабильно производящую яйцеклетки, которая в силу индивидуальных особенностей организма не достигла этого условного возраста согласия, достигнув при этом половой зрелости? Профессор биологии Брет Вейнштейн подходит тут очень близко к весьма субверсивной, и притом давней левацкой идее о нецелесообразности возраста согласия как принципа, который может быть положен в законодательство. Альтернатива - возраст согласия, который бы базировался на созревании лобных долей головного мозга - еще более запутал бы законодательство и ввел бы расистскую компоненту, поскольку разные этносы стабильно созревают в разном возрасте не только в смысле сексуальном, но и в смысле остановки развития мозга на таком-то этапе. Еще хуже - если высшим классам возраст согласия чем дальше, тем лучше - позволяя юношам и девушкам завершить хотя бы среднее образование и поступить в университет, преждем чем пускаться во все тяжкие, то где-то с середины среднего класса и ниже - это совершенно придурочная трата времени и расход ценного биологического потенциала на мастурбацию с просаживанием демографии в масштабах всей державы.


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(no subject)

Jun. 6th, 2022 | 03:45 pm

Микробы - русофобы
И коронавирус - вырусь.


друг из Америки подкинул ссылку на этот вой, что песней зовется.

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