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Пишет beotia ([info]beotia)
@ 2017-03-04 00:38:00

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Музыка:Do You Hear The People Ree?

Анти-наукоебства псто
Искал "end of the universe" (увидел название в статье про горизонты в космологии), нашел вот такое вот говнище:

https://www.wired.com/2015/08/end-universe-slightly-premature-lament/ (ад-блок вкл, джава-скрипт выкл)

CV автора: назвал токсоплазму бактерией

The End of the Universe: A (Slightly Premature) Lament

Just the fact that you are alive now is a novelty, a signal that vanishes against the vast noise of cosmic space. You think cosmic spacetime cares whether you buy an iPad Mini or a Kindle Fire? It does not, my friend. Absurdity is born in this confrontation between your need for reason and the unreasonable silence of the universe. Camus understood astrophysics better than any of these guys.

The universe began at a point in place and time known as the Big Bang. But it exploded—the very first example of the center not holding. And now things are really falling apart.

The dynamics of how it exploded were such that everywhere you look has same distribution of stars, the same distribution of temperature, the same distribution of energy. How’s that for ennui, buddy? Same shit, different galactic supercluster.

Если Бога нет, то всё дозволено. Купи себе Айпэд, go wild, блядь, нерушимый союз французских интеллектуалов и американских учёных разрешил.

Или это, нихуя не покупай, а увидишь ученого-убей, потому что, во-первых, сам виноват, нехуй было Боженьку нашего распинать, а во-вторых тут Вселенная, блядь, кончается, а он дурью мается.

Нахуй такой научный журнализм, по-моему.

Последним хорошим научным журналистом был Тёрстон, да и тот сгорел на работе:

https://arxiv.org/abs/1210.8144 (спасибо Мише)
Thurston published a scandalous manuscript in purport of warning the world of a global conspiracy of occultists. Among the documents he gathered to support his thesis was the personal account of a sailor by the name of Gustaf Johansen, describing an encounter with an extraordinary island. Johansen’s descriptions of his adventures upon the island are fantastic, and are often considered the most enigmatic (and therefore the highlight) of Thurston’s collection of documents.

We contend that all of the credible phenomena which Johansen described may be explained as being the observable consequences of a localized bubble of spacetime curvature. Many of his most incomprehensible statements (involving the geometry of the architecture, and variability of the location of the horizon) can therefore be said to have a unified underlying cause.

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