blue_slonopotam - January 12th, 2006 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 12th, 2006

Кривая но правильная статейка. [Jan. 12th, 2006|01:59 pm]
После прочтения

наткнулся на такое в коде

protected void GetVariables(float[] arrayForResults) throws Exception
// GOD almighty, please make this stupid code work.
// I promise, I would try not put myself into position
// to have to write something as stupid as this.
// Supporter, I beg you not to remove this message,
// this prayer is indispensable for the race not to happen.
// The EpVerity has the same race, but it might be the author uses
// different prayers

И подумал, какая же всё-таки правильная статейка.
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