кот шрёдингера в норе торна - January 29th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 29th, 2008

концерт suicide commando 16 марта отменен [Jan. 29th, 2008|02:06 pm]
[Current Mood | sick]
[Current Music |Autoaggression - Napalm Happyness]

can you officially confirm that the show in Moscow
scheduled previously for 16 march is now cancelled due to undisclosed

Hello !
Yes, unfortunately we had to cancel our show in Moscow in March due to
private reasons.
An official statement was sent to the organizer.
We're deeply sorry for this, but we promise to return later !!!

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ss [Jan. 29th, 2008|05:29 pm]
Ваня нашёл рецензию
на наш трек с этого релиза

It then falls to Sal Solaris (who incidentally also record under the name 'Solar Salt') to follow the impact of the previous evocative track with 'Ожидание', and thus also to conclude the first side of the LP. Gentle droning humming and subdued organ pads meld with reversed and reverbed electric amp noise, as well as rumbling mechanical samples and pitch-shifted and slowed vocal samples, creating a more urban feel of loneliness and big city isolation. This textural tapestry melts into more intense cavernous drones occasionally, as well as panned and delayed whispering noise, with brief melodic phrases of synthetic sounds occasionally rising to the surface. The sharp and sudden conclusion of the track almost gives the impression of having been stalked throughout the piece and then finally caught at its conclusion, and would make excellent soundtrack music for a serial killer movie with its dark, gritty, and slightly unhinged feel - and makes a fitting halfway point for the compilation that leaves you wanting more in no uncertain terms.

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