кот шрёдингера в норе торна - April 2nd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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April 2nd, 2008

Машиненфест закрывается [Apr. 2nd, 2008|01:53 am]
[Current Music |Diskonnekted - Pray Vote Donate Buy]

According to feedback from several sources close to the annual German Maschinenfest, this year's edition, the 10th one, will also be the final one. Maschinenfest is a yearly, three-day underground music festival featuring industrial, power electronics, noise and other alternative electronic music. Since it's start in 1999 the festival has been in October, held in a bunker in Aachen, Germany. Since 2004, Maschinenfest has been held at the Kulturfabrik in Krefeld, Germany. It now seems that the organisers will hold their final edition this year, from October 2nd till October 5th. The reason for the halt would be a lack of interest from the organisers and not because of financial reasons. More news as we get things confirmed.

update : может и фейк...

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