кот шрёдингера в норе торна - April 9th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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April 9th, 2008

soman! [Apr. 9th, 2008|10:58 pm]
[Current Music |Diskonnekted - Prayer (Northborne)]

о, реальное ура

After the second Soman album "Mask" (2007), Soman aka Kolja Trelle is back with his next album "RE:UP" on May 2nd. On this album we get 14 tracks spread over 70 minutes including remixes by Xotox, Modulate, Noisuf-X, XP8 and SAM. Starting off as sound engineer with Absurd Minds, Hocico and Terminal Choice and remixing songs by VNV Nation, Red Sand and Tom Wax, Kolja Trelle entered the scene as Soman with the album "Sound Pressure" in 2003.

ещё там что-то про Endanger

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