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Monday, June 26th, 2017

    Time Event
    because they are losers
    собсно для меня тема феминизма и сексизма раскрыта.
    Тут более полно: Judge Judy Show Stupidest Girl in the U.S— The Loosers Episode (Part 2/2).flv
    5 млн просмотров.
    девочки с самого детства привилегированные, вся система держится на этом, и эта блондинка совершенно справедливо говорит то что видела всю жизнь: мальчики - чмо. таким ей показывали мир в школе, в кино, по телевизору, дома, у друзей, в книгах.
    Dear post-wall women:
    The men who you either friend-zoned or straight up rejected are now Web designers, philosophers, surgeons, video game developers, famous athletes, music artists, inventors, welders, and engineers. When you said: "Any girl would be lucky to have you", "I have a boyfriend", or "Get the fuck away from me, you bum ass nigga", we started putting all of our focus in our dreams and aspirations while you were out getting gangbanged by street thugs and catching every STD known to man. Now that you're past your expiration dates with 5 kids and on welfare, you want to leech off of the success of the men you rudely rejected. But what man worth his salt would want a vile, repulsive, creature who has more bacteria in their vagina than a public restroom?

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