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Thursday, July 7th, 2016

    Time Event
    Пытаясь в очередной раз найти (если он вообще существует) оригинал одного текста кн. Эспера Ухтомского (какая вырвиглазная транслитерация! Mooravioff-Amoorsky!), наткнулся на стихотворение Лонгфелло про Белого Царя, в котором идёт рефреном Batyushka! Gosudar!

    DOST thou see on the rampart’s height
    That wreath of mist, in the light
    Of the midnight moon? O, hist!
    It is not a wreath of mist;
    It is the Czar, the White Czar,
    Batyushka! Gosudar!

    He has heard, among the dead,
    The artillery roll o’erhead;
    The drums and the tramp of feet
    Of his soldiery in the street;
    He is awake! the White Czar,
    Batyushka! Gosudar!

    He has heard in the grave the cries
    Of his people: “Awake! arise!”
    He has rent the gold brocade
    Whereof his shroud was made;
    He is risen! the White Czar,
    Batyushka! Gosudar!

    From the Volga and the Don,
    He has led his armies on,
    Over river and morass
    Over desert and mountain pass;
    The Czar, the Orthodox Czar,
    Batyushka! Gosudar!

    He looks from the mountain-chain
    Toward the seas, that cleave in twain
    The continents; his hand
    Points southward o’er the land
    Of Roumili! O Czar,
    Batyushka! Gosudar!

    And the words break from his lips:
    “I am the builder of ships,
    And my ships shall sail these seas
    To the Pillars of Hercules!
    I say it; the White Czar,
    Batyushka! Gosudar!

    “The Bosphorus shall be free;
    It shall make room for me;
    And the gates of its water-streets
    Be unbarred before my fleets.
    I say it; the White Czar,
    Batyushka! Gosudar!

    “And the Christian shall no more
    Be crushed, as heretofore,
    Beneath thine iron rule,
    O Sultan of Istamboul!
    I swear it! I the Czar,
    Batyushka! Gosudar!”

    У Чуковского есть смешной ура-патриторический перевод этих стихов, 1915 года, написанный в духе, в котором потом будет написан «Крокодил». Возмущённый его напускной псевдонародностью, ночью, пока ехал в поезде, я состряпал свой перевод.
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    Отсебятины тут очень много, но я по-другому не умею (да и на самом деле так и надо)

    Current Mood: awake

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