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Пишет gilgamesh_lugal ([info]gilgamesh_lugal)
@ 2007-11-13 09:36:00

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Музыка:Manowar - Outlaw

Пришло время и мне опубликовать какую-нибудь пошлятину.

К вопросу о биомехнике копуляции динозавров. Из книги McNeil Alexander. Dynamics of dinosaurs and Other Extinct Giants. 1989

"Whether they were strong enough for fast running or not, dinosaur skeletons must have been strong enough to support the animals when they copulated. The male rhino in figure 4.8a seems to be imposing a terrific load on the female's back. Male elephants also mount females to copulate like this, but dinosaurs must have done it rather differently because their big tails would get in the way. Reptiles do not have the sexual orifice separate from the anus, like humans and other mammals, but have the two combined to form a single opening called the cloaca. This is on the underside of the tail, a short distance behind the legs. To copulate, the male must press his cloaca against the female's.
That may sound impossible to do from behind, but lizards manage by twisting their tails together. Dr. Beverley Halstead, a British paleontologist, has suggested that dinosaurs also may have copulated like this, with the male lifting one hind leg and putting it over the female's back.
If they did, bigger loads would act on their hind legs than in normal standing. When the male lifted one hind leg, the other would have to carry twice the standing load. If he rested his leg on the female's back, her hind legs would have to carry an increased load. However, the loads would be no bigger than in walking, when peak forces on the feet were probably about twice as much as in standing. (1 explained at the beginning of this chapter why peak forces on human feet are twice as much in walking as in standing.) If dinosaurs were strong enough to walk they were also strong enough to copulate. They were presumably strong enough to do both."

...америку автор не открыл, ИМХО

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