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05:27 pm



Я так и знал, что fully nenaujokas & tykšta hatred...
PICHISMO remain fully nenaujokas stage, already seems besivoliojantis manure from Goode 93-s and during that time very much išgimdęs jovalaino all kinds of noise, ranging from hardcore punk to the total noise chaos. Here PICHISMO ideas (s) in a live concert recording, ear noisecore distressing mess with screams, live drums, electronic wall of noise and even the devil knows what instruments. On the cover seems to be written, Sitara, trumpet? Sounds as powerful and good sense - annoying. The real farce, confusion, auditory madness. No country in the concert was not really, but as far as I have seen PICHISMO live, and seem to have been poor performances. This sounds impressive, tykšta hatred radiating madness and of course not really designed for each ear. Itself perhaps more like a slightly different noisecore, brass sound of my little heart, but there is already a matter of taste. Very suitable for the general context and the well-diluted vivid instruments.
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