И Свет светит во тьме и тьма не объяла Его

О положении приходов РПЦЗ в Гаити и просьба о молитве. @ 10:59 pm

Christ is born! Indeed so -- while unfortunately two Haitian priests chose to submit to Moscow & continue at least more or less active, the largest parish (St. Augustine's at Jacmel) and then-Deacon Amboise (now priest) and the flock of St. Dorothy's did not. I continue as administrator of the Mission.

I have been unable to make any contact yet, so my information sources are pretty much the same as yours -- which, in specific, means nothing at all. I will continue trying to make contact by phone and e-mail (far less likely -- shaky at best). As soon as I have any information, it will be sent out over the Mission mailgroup (anyone interested can subscribe on the website below, badly in need of update but not likely to get it in the immediate future)..

St. Dorothy's is on the northern edge of Port-au-Prince. Maison Mission, the mission headquarters & my home there, is a couple of miles from the airport. St. Augustine's is 4 miles east of Jacmel, where one report told of watching a mountain "split wide open".

God help these poor little ones!

In Christ Jesus,
Fr. Gregory Williams



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