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The 'Beautiful and Peaceful' Islamic Religion- @ 12:47 pm

[info]reader_daniel@lj commented on [info]guest_2's post:

From the dark and ugly history of false-prophet Muhammed, from the very beginning, he ordered murder and slaughter of any who would not 'submit' (what 'Islam' means, i.e. 'Submission'). Especially the surrounding Jews and Christians, who refused to accept him as their, 'messiah', he was especially brutal. Orthodox Christians, have suffered under Islam for many many centuries!
But, he ordered his fanatical followers to also kill off, many fellow pagan Arabs. Moslems actually kill more fellow Moslems, than anybody else.
Later, as his foul/oppressive religion spread, he did the same to Hindus, Buddhists, Animists, and ANYONE who would not 'submit' to his beautiful and peaceful Islam.
How very few of modern 'liberal'/tolerant/enlightened, westerners seem to know about how DARK and EVIL is that Islamic religion. They are ordered by their Moslem teachings, to kill and subdue ANY who will not 'submit' to them. It is time to throw all Moslems out of all western countries, for our self-survival. Let them practice their 'beautiful and peaceful' religion, in their native homelands, where they kill EACH OTHER off, by the thousands, every day. Murder is, 'beautiful and peaceful', ???

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