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History of Buildings of St. Edward's Orthodox Brotherhood- @ 02:54 am

[info]reader_daniel@lj commented on [info]guest_2's post:

From my information: This property was obtained, either free or for a small sum, from the Anglican Church, and it was a cemetery church, many years ago, and it was classed by them as, 'redundant' (i.e. not used anymore, excess). But, it is still surrounded by a huge/active cemetery, covering many acres of land, one of the largest in all of England. But, it has some official British historical recognition, as it is an (Orthodox) shrine to the relics of an English King, from the 900's AD, St. Edward, King and Martyr, which we Orthodox recognize as a Pre-Schism English-
Orthodox-Saint. We Orthodox SAVED his holy relics, as the Protestant Church of England, doesn't care much about such holy things anymore! But for those who want to know more of that history, please contact Fr. Archimandrite Alexis: http://info@stedwardbrotherhood.org
But, since it came into Orthodox Monastic hands,(The Brotherhood of St. Edward), it has been steadily and completely remodeled and improved. It is now, virtually a new church. The original Anglican church, was falling down, as I saw in old photos, years ago. This brotherhood was originally in our ROCOR, but when the 2007 'union' with the MP was announced, they fled for refuge to the Synod In Resistance. Fr. Alexis was a ROCOR priest, and a Jordanville graduate. He is still a big friend with our ROCA, under our Met. Agafangel.
Rd. Daniel Everiss

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