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Пишет gulidar ([info]gulidar)
@ 2014-12-02 16:01:00

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ха ха ха ох вау

"I confronted him and told him to delete it. He played it off as curiosity. My unit was stretched too thin to be combat effective at that point and every man counted. Sometimes I fear I may have let a future pedophile go, but at the time I justified it by telling myself that maybe lives were saved over there. He did pull more than his own weight, just like the rest of us...

Edit: I had just turned 18 before the war started and by this point (some 7 months into the war) I was pretty sure we were all going to die out there eventually anyway... I scared the shit of him when I confronted him threatening to beat his ass (I was twice his size) and report him if I ever found anything on it again."

Душераздирающие истории. Комментарии даже лучше:

"Future pedophile? WTF? If a guy has child porn in his laptop he is a goddamn pedophile already!"

"If he is still alive and back in the states I suggest you report him Op."

"Any reason you couldn't have reported him after you got home? Or he got home?"

"You owe it to the potential harmed kids to report this, no matter what you guys went through over there."

"soldiers protect the ones who cannot protect themselves- children are the epitome of this. Those kids on the laptop needed protecting."

"Report him after the deployment and save him and his possible future victim?"

"He should report him not because the porn OP found in 2003 but to make sure he's not into that anymore. Where is NSA when we need them?"

Небось аниме там было.

ОП, конечно, может, просто троллит, но реакция вполне живая.