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Пишет gulidar ([info]gulidar)
@ 2014-12-09 09:50:00

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Do you ever get to fap and suddenly have divine issues mixing into your thoughts?

It occurred to me once.
Was fapping.
Suddenly my browser used autocomplete to a previous search I had about something from the Book of Zohar.
Thinking about the book of Zohar while holding my dick created chaos in my mind.

What now? What do I do? Should I apologize? to whom? to the book ?! to God? Should I? Is it really that horrible? All I did was reading an autocomplete line from my browser. No ! It was wrong ! thoughts got mixed ! so should I apologize? to whom? to the book ?! A book is not a real entity ! Is it not? what if it is? What about the man who wrote the book? Maybe I should apologize to him. He is dead, he is in heavens, so he can hear me. Apologize to a dead person ?! That's a sin. No ! Apologize to God ! But why? All I did was reading an autocomplete from my browser. While I masturbate ! That's a sin ! thoughts got mixed ! Apologize ! to whom? The book? To God !

Can you think about God when you're at the bathroom?
What about angels? demons?
If you prevent yourself from thinking about the names of God, angels and demons, aren't you placing them at the same level of sanctity? Isn't that wrong?
What happens if you think about God and sexual content at the same time? What if it's angels and sexual content at the same time? demons and sexual content?
If you prevent yourself from thinking about sexual content and God, angels or demons at the same, doesn't it mean you place them on the same level of sanctity? Isn't that wrong? As God is higher than the angels and the demons.
Yet who is higher? angels or demons?

You compare calculus to thinking about God? That's a sin. Are you a sinner?

Or maybe is it not a sin?
What if thinking about calculus and thinking about God somehow has the same level of sanctity?
What if numbers are holy because they were created by god?
numbers = > created by God = > holy
numbers = > calculus
Therefore calculus is related to God, and also holds into some sanctity.
But that's not possible.
Because numbers ain't real, they just our way to describe existence.
But they do exist in existence.
God has created the numbers.
But it doesn't mean that everything relatd to numbers is related to God. It's not possible.
What if thinking that everything related to numbers is related to God is a sin?
What if it's not?

If God created the numbers and numbers are infinite, doesn't it mean he keeps on creating them?
How can you create a number?
You can't, because then God was continuing in creating them until today.
No. that's not a proof, what if God's time system doesn't work as we think it is?
What if thinking God exists at the same system as we do is a sin?
What if it's not?
Humans can not imagine another time system, so God would probably be aware that humans may think on him existing in their own "human" time system.
That makes sense. Or is it not?
But what about demons? What about their time system?
Is thinking that demons live on the same time system as humans is a sin?
Would demons understand you like God do?
What if demons will punish you?
Will demons punish you more than God, or less?
God has mercy, what about demons?
What about angels?
Are angels and demons tools in the hands of God? Do they have free will?
Is them having free will related to their ability to punish?
Demon doesn't have a free will, so it can't punish, is it true?
Demon does have a free will, so it can punish, is it true?
What about more scenarios?
Demon has free will = > can punish
Demon has free will = > can't punish
Demon doesn't have free will = > can punish
Demons deosn't have free will = > can't punish
But why? How?
Is it possible?
Does it make sense?

>Dungeons and Dragons.
>Angels and Demons.

That's a match.
What if it's a sin.
What if comparing that is a sin.
What if it's not?

What are the possibilities?

Dungeons = > Angels = > sin
Dungeons => Angels = > not sin
Dungeons = > Demons = > sin
Dungeons = > Demons = > not sin
Dragons = > Angels = > sin
Dragons = > Angels = > not sin
Dragons = > Demons = > sin
Dragons = > Demons = > not sin

Yet they are more possibilities

not Dungeons = > Angels = > sin
not Dungeons => Angels = > not sin
not Dungeons = > Demons = > sin
not Dungeons = > Demons = > not sin
not Dragons = > Angels = > sin
not Dragons = > Angels = > not sin
not Dragons = > Demons = > sin
not Dragons = > Demons = > not sin

and more

Dungeons = > not Angels = > sin
Dungeons => not Angels = > not sin
Dungeons = > not Demons = > sin
Dungeons = > not Demons = > not sin
Dragons = > not Angels = > sin
Dragons = > not Angels = > not sin
Dragons = > not Demons = > sin
Dragons = > not Demons = > not sin

and even more

not Dungeons = > not Angels = > sin
not Dungeons => not Angels = > not sin
not Dungeons = > not Demons = > sin
not Dungeons = > not Demons = > not sin
not Dragons = > not Angels = > sin
not Dragons = > not Angels = > not sin
not Dragons = > not Demons = > sin
not Dragons = > not Demons = > not sin

It never ends.

Today I accidently pronounced the name of the Angel of Death with my lips while sitting at the bus.
I really don't know if I pronounced it accurately, I think I said "Ye.." instead of "E.."

I sang a song to myself, naturally I was thinking about Samael because my OCD forces me to think about Samael most of the time, so accidently got the word Samael mixed in the song but I think I said Samayel.

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