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Пишет iv_g ([info]iv_g)
@ 2010-04-15 13:18:00

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Тунис, нефть и газ, карты

As estimated by Oil and Gas Journal, Tunisia had modest proven oil reserves of 308 million barrels as of January 2006.

The majority of Tunisia's oil reserves are located in the Gulf of Gabes and the Ghadames Basin in the southern part of the country.
In 2005, Tunisia produced around 75,000 barrels per day (bbl/d) of crude oil. This represents a 37 percent decline from Tunisia’s peak output of 120,000 bbl/d between 1982 and 1984. Currently, the country's domestic oil production capacity cannot meet the country's consumption demand, which in 2005, was 94,000 bbl/d. Tunisia should to be able to supply at least part of its own petroleum needs for the next decade, but significant production thereafter will be contingent upon new discoveries.

The majority of Tunisia’s oil production (73 percent) comes from six concessions, which include Adam, Ashtart, Didon, El Borma, Miskar and Oued Zar. The remaining production comes from 26 smaller concessions.

The Tunisian government created the country’s state-owned oil company, Enterprises Tunisienne d'Activités Petrolières (ETAP), in 1972. ETAP’s mission is to manage the oil and natural gas exploration and production activities for the Tunisian government.

Oil production: 81,530 bbl/day (2004 est.)
Oil proved reserves: 1.7 billion bbl (2006 est.)
Natural gas production: 2.4 billion cu m (2004 est.)
Natural gas proved reserves: 77.87 billion cu m (1 January 2005 est.)



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