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Некто написал,
Re: The jury trials
Your information is incorrect. You are talking about grand juries. It seems to me that the majority of people involved in this discussion do not know the difference between the grand and petit juries, or how the juries work in general, now or in the past. The grand juries were originally "helping" to investigate the case and accuse malefactors (not rieves, of course, but justice knights). The grand juries have been abandoned in the UK in 1930s; presently, it is the uniquely American institution. Here is how the grand juries started:

Henry II appointed "justices in eyre," to travel from town to town. When they arrived, they called upon "sword-girt knights" to summon 24 local freemen, the grand jury. They were called to report under oath any accusations of crime they were aware of in the community...the grand jury only brought accusations; it did not find guilt or innocence...The trial available to the defendant remained the trial by ordeal. The felon who was convicted through the ordeal was executed. But even if the indicted culprit was acquitted in the ordeal, he was banished.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assize_of_Clarendon

So the grand jury delivered the trial by ordeal, judiciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiThe first {petit} juries of twelve KNIGHTS (rather than freemen) were used to decide property (land) disputes only. Such disputes were the norm in the wake of the Crusade and the civil war.

It took centuries before these arrangements morphed into our present petit and grand juries.

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