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Пишет imp_125602 ([info]inner_trip@lj)
Да, такая наука появляется. Вот, похоже, самая релевантная ссылка:
Adv Enzymol Relat Areas Mol Biol. 2007;75:1-132, xi.
Molecular paleoscience: systems biology from the past.
Benner SA, Sassi SO, Gaucher EA.
Experimental paleomolecular biology, paleobiochemistry, and paleogenetics are closely related emerging fields that infer the sequences of ancient genes and proteins from now-extinct organisms, and then resurrect them for study in the laboratory. The goal of paleogenetics is to use information from natural history to solve the conundrum of modern genomics: How can we understand deeply the function of biomolecular structures uncovered and described by modern chemical biology? Reviewed here are the first 20 cases where biomolecular resurrections have been achieved. These show how paleogenetics can lead to an understanding of the function of biomolecules, analyze changing function, and put meaning to genomic sequences, all in ways that are not possible with traditional molecular biological studies.


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