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Sunday, October 25th, 2020
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2:13a |
Charles Manson Superstar the next two weeks, life in Death Valley was pretty fun. Games of swashbucklers and pirates, of Bedouin nomads, and pioneers ensued. Death Valley kindled one of Manson’s interests: the stories of Rommel’s World War II desert raids. General Erwin Rommel, the Nazi’s ‘Desert Fox’, led Germany’s North Africa excursions from 1941–1943. After successful campaigns in Poland, the Netherlands and France, Rommel was sent to Tripoli where, with fortified tanks suited for desert sands, the Nazi’s attacked Axis forces. Rommel was known for his dogged determination and rapid-developing, mobile style of battle leadership. Manson was fascinated with Rommel and his desert raids. When Charlie was arrested the next fall, copies of National Geographic with articles on Rommel were with him. Current Mood: cold | 3:03a |
Susan Atkins Current Mood: cold | 5:57a |
Μολών λαβέ  Current Mood: coldCurrent Music: Christian Löffler live at St. Kamillus Kolumbarium - presented by Recap | 11:47p |
Der Eigene Der Eigene was the first gay journal in the world, published from 1896 to 1932 by Adolf Brand in Berlin. Brand contributed many poems and articles; other contributors included writers Benedict Friedlaender, Hanns Heinz Ewers, Erich Mühsam, Kurt Hiller, Ernst Burchard, John Henry Mackay, Theodor Lessing, Klaus Mann, and Thomas Mann, as well as artists Wilhelm von Gloeden, Fidus, and Sascha Schneider. ... The title of the journal, Der Eigene (The Unique), refers to the classic anarchist work Der Einzige und sein Eigentum (1844) by Max Stirner. Early issues reflected the philosophy of Stirner, as well as other views on the politics of anarchism. ... The publisher of Der Eigene had to fight against German censorship. For example, in 1903 a published poem "Die Freundschaft" (The Friendship) provoked a lawsuit against the magazine. The magazine won because the poem was written by Friedrich Schiller. In 1933, when Adolf Hitler rose to power, Adolf Brand's house was searched and all the materials needed to produce the magazine were seized and given to Ernst Röhm. Current Mood: coldCurrent Music: Christian Löffler - Cross Club 2019 (Live) |