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Friday, April 9th, 2021
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12:37a |
| 12:36p |
Should Michel Foucault Be Cancelled? If Sorman’s allegations about Foucault are proven to be true, there can be no doubt at all that how his work is read will change. Opinions about the man should also change. But his books will still be read, since they contain insights about power, morality, politics, and truth the future can learn from.
At a time when cancel culture, a symptom of leftist moral righteousness, is rife throughout our societies, Foucault, who has been described as a “beacon of woke ideology”, has been alleged a paedophile.
It is the left’s duty to recognise that “cancelling” figures by refusing to engage with those who perpetrate, or have perpetrated, reprehensible actions, is not constructive. We must confront the past to learn from it, even if we do not like what we see when we look. We must learn to condemn the reprehensible actions of those from the past, while still allowing ourselves to learn from their experiences, pasts, actions, and books. Foucault may have been a monster, but some of his ideas may still be able to help us today. Current Mood: amused | 8:48p |
MAJDANEK WALTZ, CODEX OCCVLTA, МИРА ДРЕВО – 3/04 Majdanek Waltz + Мира ДревоПользуясь случаем, передаю лучи кровавого поноса челикам, которые ГРОМКО разговаривали на выступлении Мира Древо. Особенно челику из Минобороны. Да-да, ты. Ты бы еще на сцену влез и всем об этом рассказал, опоссум.Да там небось ползала ментов / подментованных было, хуле. Русский музыкальный мистицизм такой русский. Current Mood: sickCurrent Music: JEW ATOMIZER - JOURNEY TO DARKNESS (2000 FULL DEMO) |