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4 главные цели жидов [Jul. 10th, 2016|03:13 am]
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four principle goals of the New World Order

The first is to eradicate White Europe, the plan to mongrelise the White race goes all the way back to Babylon and that every civilisation known to man was destroyed by the same forces. We know them as Jews today and they are the focal point for all that is impure, both biologically and spiritually and if they can get us to mongrelise, then we have no chance of providing a resistance to them.

The second is to eradicate Christianity by killing God. They did this once already and now they are back to do it again, trying to remove all mention of him from public discourse. We need a supreme being to make the final decisions. If we do not have solid boundaries that cannot be crossed, there is nothing to prevent those of us who are psychopaths and traitors from overstepping them.

The third is to install a One World Government. This goes back to Babylon as well, which was the first multicultural empire. The enemy will use any means he can to achieve this, whether it is through encouraging the workers of the world to unite or through frightening environmentalists into forming international climate change coalitions. The real reason for these groups is to get every nation following the same anti-Christian laws, dictated by the same group of people.

The final principle outlined is the One World Religion. This is Luciferianism but it is not about worshipping goat idols, but about putting man in the position of God and telling us that we can build a utopia on earth, through disobeying all the fundamental laws of nature. From sodomy to genetically modified organisms, it is all about being adversarial to the natural and divine law, which is satanic in the truest sense of the word.
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