Сказка о "холокосте" уже не работает, вей-вей, жиды |
[Jul. 22nd, 2016|01:33 pm] |
Since the end of World War Two, when they spread an idiotic, goofy lie about Hitler mass-murdering them using fake shower gas chambers, the Jews have been able to get everything they want by simply whining, invoking this retarded fantasy story called “THE HOLOCAUST.”
Recently, this method of whining has stopped working.
Jews have gone into full-on “does not compute” mode, repeating their whining nonsense over and over and over again to people who no longer care, making people care even less as they expose themselves as ninnying crybabies who believe their feelings matter more than everything else in the entire universe.
t is incredible, really, that you Jews simply cannot accept the position you’ve found yourselves in, and just keep flailing deeper into the quicksand.
This was, of course, my plan all along. But I really couldn’t have imagined it would work this well. And just keep on working like this.
I wonder what this ADL council that has been formed to attack the Daily Stormer actually does. Any competent analyst could be brought in to say “well, the first thing you want to do is stop drawing attention to the fact they are accusing you of controlling society to forward a subversive agenda, because by drawing attention to these claims being made by Nazis you are just drawing attention to the fact that you are actually doing that.
find it really funny that both left-wingers and right-wingers get accused of "hating Jews", being "anti-Semitic". The Jews expect us to cower when we're told those things, and to hope for the approval of the Jews by not being accused of being "anti-Semites". The thinking of these people goes that if we're subservient enough to the Jews, they will stop calling us "anti-Semites".
This is absolutely ridiculous, of course. What we instead ought to do is realize we have a common ground there, that all decent people in the world "hate" Jews no matter their political sympathies. The Jews are the arch enemy of all mankind, and toppling them should be the #1 priority on everyone's agenda. |