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Пишет erdferkel ([info]erdferkel)
"Маньяки свободы", типа

  • Et ses mains ourdiraient les entrailles du prêtre,
    Au défaut d’un cordon pour étrangler les rois.

    • And his hands would plait the priest's entrails,
      For want of a rope, to strangle kings.

    • "Les Éleuthéromanes", in Poésies Diverses (1875)

    • Variant translation: His hands would plait the priest’s guts, if he had no rope, to strangle kings.

      • This derives from the prior statement widely attributed to Jean Meslier: "I would like — and this would be the last and most ardent of my wishes — I would like the last of the kings to be strangled by the guts of the last priest". It is often claimed the passage appears in Meslier's Testament (1725) but it only appears in abstracts of the work written by others. See the Wikipedia article Jean Meslier for details.

    • Variant: Et des boyaux du dernier prêtre
      Serrons le cou du dernier roi.

      • Let us strangle the last king with the guts of the last priest.

        • Attributed to Diderot by Jean-François de La Harpe in Cours de Littérature Ancienne et Moderne (1840)

    • Attributions to Diderot of similar statements also occur in various forms, ie: "Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."

На самом деле - стандартная речевка тогдашних радикальных борцов со "старым режимом" в разных странах. Вот, например, на английском материале - тут, на странице 694: "In Hunt's account, the organizers were cock-a-hoop at their success, accompanying him back to his inn, engaging in a good deal of revolutionary bluster over dinner, at which none other than Castle proposed the toast: 'May the last of Kings be strangled with the guts of the last priest.'". (Этот Кэстл был провокатор на самом деле.)

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