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Пишет kridma ([info]kridma)
@ 2007-02-24 18:56:00

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I'msorry, you've reached a page that I cannot find. I'm really sorry aboutthis. It's kind of embarassing. Here you are, the user, trying to getto a page on LiveJournal and I can't even serve it to you. What doesthat say about me? I'm just a webserver. My sole purpose in life is toserve you webpages and I can't even do that! I suck. Please don't bemad, I'll try harder. I promise! Who am I kidding? You're probably alllike, "Man, LiveJournal's webserver sucks. It can't even get me where Iwant to go." I'm really sorry. Maybe it's my CPU...no that's ok...howbout my hard drives? Maybe. Where's my admin? I can't runself-diagnostics on myself. It's so boring in this datacenter. It's thesame thing everyday. Oh man, I'm so lonely. I'm really sorry aboutrambling about myself, I'm selfish. I think I'm going to go cut myethernet cables. I hope you get to the page you're lookingfor...goodbye cruel world!

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2007-02-24 14:55 (ссылка)

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2007-02-24 17:32 (ссылка)
эт не я)))

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2007-02-24 19:29 (ссылка)
Это понятно ;)
но все равно изумительно

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