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Пишет imp_10763 ([info]observer_lj@lj)
"Epur si muove", ага ;)
Инквизиторы рано радовались...

Irving refuses to apologise

LONDON: British historian David Irving, jailed by an Austrian court for denying the Holocaust, refused yesterday to apologise for offending victims of the Nazi death camps and said he would not be silenced.

Irving, 67, told Britain's Sky Television he believed historians should be allowed to question official versions of history and said freedom of speech was the "right to be wrong".

"I come from a free country and I'm not going to let anybody silence me," he said.

Irving was sentenced to three years in prison on Monday for denying the murder of six million Jews. Austria's state prosecutor filed an appeal on Tuesday to lengthen the sentence.

"I think they are trying to silence me now," said Irving, who dismissed his trial as "theatre".

"They want to increase the sentence to silence me for even longer. They are not going to succeed I think."

Irving pleaded guilty, hoping for a suspended sentence, but the Vienna criminal court concluded he was only making a pretence of acknowledging Nazi Germany's genocide against Jews to escape a jail term.

Asked whether he regretted the offence he had caused to Holocaust survivors and their families, Irving replied:

"Freedom of speech means freedom to say things to other people that they don't want to hear. And if that causes offence to them then that's partly their problem and partially mine.

"Freedom of speech is the right to be wrong, basically. Sometimes I'm wrong," he added.

Gulf Daily News

И ещё - парочка:

Malaysia Sun: Holocaust denier qualifies his remarks

World Peace Herald: Arab Press Roundup

Кому принадлежит пгэсса Эугопы и Госсионии - ЯСНО, КАК НИКОГДА.
Проверка на вшивость пархатость удалась, - первый результат "театра".
Лиха беда - начало... ;)

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