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Пишет lacrecia ([info]lacrecia)
@ 2006-07-23 23:19:00

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Из чего же сделаны наши мальчишки? :)
"A girl worth fighting for"

For a long time we've been marching off to battle
In our thund'ring herd we feel a lot like cattle
Like the pounding beat our aching feet
aren't easy to ignore
Hey, think of instead
A girl worth fighting for
That's what I said:
A girl worth fighting for

I want her paler than the moon
with eyes that shine like stars
My girl will marvel at my strength,
adore my battle scars
I couldn't care less what she'll wear
or what she looks like
It all depends on what she cooks like
Beef, pork, chicken...

Bet the local girls thought you were quite the charmer
And I'll bet the ladies love a man in armor
You can guess what we have missed
the most since we went off to war
What do we want?
A girl worth fighting for

My girl will think
I have n faults
That I'm a major find
How 'bout a girl who's got a brain
Who always speaks her mind?
My mainly ways and turn of phrase
are sure to thrill her
He thinks he's such a lady-killer

I've a girl back home who's unlike any other
Yeah, the only girl who'd love him is his mother
But when we come in victory
they'll line up at the door
What do we want?
A girl worth fighting for
Wish that I had
A girl worth fighting for
A girl worth fighting-

From Mulan
"Mulan" is copyright (c) 1998
Walt Disney Music Company. All rights reserved.
Music: Matthew Wilder
Lyrics: David Zippel
