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Пишет larvatus ([info]larvatus)
@ 2011-07-18 05:51:00

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amazing gracelessness
As Heinrich Himmler helpfully pointed out, each one of the 80 million good Germans has his decent Jew. Correlatively, each one of the 307 million good Americans has his special candidate for being better off dead. Under these circumstances, it takes a special kind of moral obtuseness to join Ronald Dworkin in claiming nearly universal acceptance of the proposition that human life is sacred.
Likewise, given the record of faith-based reasons for the abolition of slavery, it takes a special kind of historical ignorance to join Anat Biletzki in her “reluctance to admit religion as a legitimate player in the human rights game”.

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2012-01-09 13:58 (ссылка)
Hm, this argument makes tacit assumption that good Americans hold no inconsistent views.
