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Пишет larvatus ([info]larvatus)
@ 2006-01-17 12:20:00

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male bonding
    Pat Garrett: Say, I understand those Mexican señoritas are still pretty as ever down there.
    Holly: Yeah?
    Pat Garrett: Yeah. [Holly smiles.]
    Holly: Yeah.
    Luke: Yeah. [Luke smiles.]
    Billy the Kid: I know one’s waiting on you, hoss, with a knife. Remember them sisters?
    Pat Garrett: No. Which ones were they?
    Billy the Kid: That one you got up and asked how much you owed her. And she said. “Whatever you think it’s worth.” You threw a dime on her pillow. And the girl said, “If that’s all it’s worth, I might as well sew it up.” And Pat — [Billy laughs] — Pat said, “You could use a few stitches.” [Pat nods; Billy pauses; Holly and Luke laugh.] I didn’t feel she did.
    Pat Garrett: Son of a bitch. Come on, I’ll buy you a drink.

    — Sam Peckinpah, Rudy Wurlitzer, Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid (1973)

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2006-01-17 17:42 (ссылка)
Is this a jab at the Golden Globes?

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2006-01-17 17:50 (ссылка)
It extends beyond the Golden Globes, in the nature of polishing their Oscars.

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