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Дмитрий Одинец

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[Jan. 14th, 2017|09:20 am]
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Date:January 14th, 2017 - 05:21 pm
кстати, полная версия, связности интернета ради

We fought your fight and we died in droves
In a rearguard action with no reward
We spilled our guts to cover your butts
Spending ships and lives we could ill afford
And now Earthside says we can't win
And we could have won if we'd gotten support
Now they say pull out, they say pull back
They say the war is over, mission abort

But they're not here and they don't care
Our dead are just numbers on a page
They only see how the money rolls out
And that war is a cost they think to wage
So the Union sneers, and Union laughs
And the merchanters turn and run away
And the stations where we fought and died
If they could would throw us out of their bays

Give up, give in, says Earthside now
You merchanters sing the same refrain
But we won't stand this kind of defeat
And knowing our people died in vain
It was our blood spilled on the stars
Did you think that you can deal it away?
Well, you merchant hogs, better think again
Mazian will make the Union pay

You decry our fight, you deny our doom
But we can learn from every mistake
You'll repay what we spent in blood
What you won't give us freely, we'll take
We'll contest each star Union wants
This is war, not some bureaucrat's game
So we hear you're calling us pirates now?
Then screw you all, we'll earn the motherless name!
Date:January 14th, 2017 - 09:30 pm
О, отлично, спасибо! Гугелем нашел только вот этот кусок из какой-то эхи еще 93-го года и поправил чуток.