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Пишет llsnk ([info]llsnk)
@ 2010-01-12 12:59:00

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andyinthe@ljr у меня ассоциируется со следующим диалогом:

‘He didn’t influence me. You know what I might do? I might stay right here in this hospital bed and vegetate. I could vegetate very comfortably right here and let other people make the decisions.’

‘You must make decisions,’ Major Danby disagreed. ‘A person can’t live like a vegetable.’

‘Why not?’ A distant warm look entered Major Danby’s eyes. ‘It must be nice to live like a vegetable,’ he conceded wistfully.

‘It’s lousy,’ answered Yossarian.

‘No, it must be very pleasant to be free from all this doubt and pressure,’ insisted Major Danby. ‘I think I’d like to live like a vegetable and make no important decisions.’

‘What kind of vegetable, Danby?’

‘A cucumber or a carrot.’

‘What kind of cucumber? A good one or a bad one?’

‘Oh, a good one, of course.’

‘They’d cut you off in your prime and slice you up for a salad.’ Major Danby’s face fell. ‘A poor one, then.’

‘They’d let you rot and use you for fertilizer to help the good ones grow.’

‘I guess I don’t want to live like a vegetable, then,’ said Major Danby with a smile of sad resignation.