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Пишет llsnk ([info]llsnk)
@ 2011-04-06 18:24:00

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Free laughs
A couple of days ago, the press was full of stories about massacres by Muslim/Northern troops in the Catholic city of Duekoue.

Sounded like they were going to do their standard atrocity story, send in that skull-faced Orla Guerin, Goddess of the Panga, to deplore the whole thing. It’s an image you’ll know from memory, even if her name doesn’t ring any bells. Just imagine that Swedish painting of the bloodless skinhead screaming, put a microphone in its hand and add some tropical plants and you’ve got the Orla Guerin logo.

But you never heard a word from Orla about them, and there’s nothing on those massacres today. The UN officially asked Ouattara to investigate the massacres. That’s wonderful: "Manson Asked to Investigate Reports of Hollywood Massacre." And Charlie has a press conference, "No, man, wasn’t us, musta been aliens, or the Monkees maybe..."

Boy, oh boy.
Картина вырисовывается занятная: "Запад" изо всех сил поддерживает иламистов, террористов из аль Каеды и пр. публику. Халифат чтоль у них на повестке?