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Некто написал,
Dear Mr. Donald G. Nieman!

My name is Daria A. Mitina. In the past (1996 to 2000) I used to be a Deputy of Russian Parliament - the State Duma of the Russian Federation, from 2001 to 2007 I was working at the public service as Chief of Department of Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology, later on of the Ministry of Education and Science. Until the present day I deal with political and public activities.
I have to ask you for help and inform you that for almost a year (since Autumn of 2009) some public figures (a writer Marina Yudenich an official Dr. Said Gafurov, a businessman Vadim Veschezerov, a journalist Maxim Sokolov, and others) including me were harassed by assistant professor Michael G. Filippov - an employee of your university, whom neither me, no other mentioned people had not know. The first record of Mr. Filippov (which was though insulting but correct) was dated February 2008.
M. Filippov alleges my connection to the network of pedophiles in my capacity as a member of Parliament, Filippov wrote about my participation in the alleged corruption and so on. Under the nickname stalinisty M. Filippov abundant reserves such slanderous comments on other sites

Dear Mr. Nieman!
I take texts of Mr Filippov as a malicious, targeted campaign to discredit me personally, harm my professional and personal reputation in public spheres, causing me psychological trauma. The fact that I was not the only one whom Mr. Philippe inexplicably pursued, can not serve as a reassuring factor. I do not want to bring it to public discussion, because it concerns behavior of dishonest man, who turned out for the unfortunate coincidence to be an employee of your esteemed institution, and may damage the reputation of the University entrusted to you. Nevertheless, if Mr. Filippov do not stop, I'll be forced to defend my reputation, by all legitimate and available to me means, including through judicial proceedings involving the public opinion and the media.
Daria A. Mitina,
Director of the Department for Relations with
state authorities of the Fund for Advancement of Science,
education and medicine,

tel. mob. 7-926-212-20-00
tel. service 7-495-617-01-14
tel.home 7-499-267-62-68

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