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Пишет marinni ([info]marinni)
@ 2009-09-06 16:32:00

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Танцовщицы 20-х

Танцовщицы 20-х

Фото девушек из Ziegfeld Follies- самого знаменитого американского варьете первой половины XX века и фото из семейного альбома голливудской танцовщицы Ida Bailey- 1920-е.

Ziegfeld Follies Performers from the 1920's.

----------------------Ziegfeld Follies------------------------

Ziegfeld Girls

----------О тете Иде-танцовщице -фото из семейного альбома.--------

"My Aunt Ida and her cohorts posing for the camera. I guess the date about 1920. Maybe for film or stage, not sure."

A photo from one of Christies Comedies with my Aunt Ida as one of the snake charmers.
Snake Charmers

Snake Charmers

A hand colored black and white photo from my Aunt Ida's Hollywood days.

My Aunt Ida was in early theater and Hollywood movies in the Los Angeles area. I'm sprinkling her show biz photos in with other family photos.
She acted and danced in films from about 1912 to the late 1920's. Many times she would tour, preforming on Broadway and other venues across the Nation

Aunt Ida and the Comic Face

Aunt Ida and the Kitten

This is another photo from my Aunt Ida's Hollywood and stage photos.

This is from the collection of my Aunt Ida's photos. She worked mostly for Christie Studios and Olive Thomas worked there for a time.
Olive is one of the few stars of that time that is still well known today.
Here is a link to a nice web site about her.

Olive Thomas, circa 1919

A photo from a Christies Comedies production, from my Aunt Ida's collection. I do not know the name of the film, but I know my Aunt Ida is in it.

This is my Aunt Ida and friend on the back lot of Christies Studios in Hollywood



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