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Пишет marinni ([info]marinni)
@ 2010-02-16 18:17:00

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"Callot figures" -Гравюры в стиле Калло: 17-18 век.

"Callot figures" -Гравюры в стиле Калло. 17-18 век.

Stefano della Bella-1631-1637

Venanzio Monaldini-1687.The Alchemis

Daniel Heumann-1720-1740

КАЛЛО, Жак -
(Callot, Jacques. 1592-1635) французский гравер и рисовальщик, мастер
офорта. учился в Риме. С 1611 г. работал во Флоренции (придворный художник, флорентийский покровитель Калло - Козимо II Медичи), с 1622 г. - во Франции.
Офорты Калло заключают в себе массу эпизодов, множество подвижных фигурок,разнообразных и причудливых человеческих типов- бродяг, комедиантов, разбойников, персонажей комедии Дель-Арте. Они стали очень популярными и многие художники стали делать циклы гравюр в таком стиле.

----------After Stefano della Bella-1631-1637------------

Callot figures; two children holding a cartouche to left, and a figure carrying a standard and walking towards right; from a series of six prints after Stefano della Bella. 1684

Facetieuses Inventions d'amour et de guerre
Two Callot figures seated on the ground at centre; one a young woman to right holding a fan and the other an old man seated next to her; with houses and figures behind. c.1634

Facetieuses Inventions d'amour et de guerre

Callot figure dressed as a lancer; in profile walking towards left, holding a lance over his shoulder and wearing a breastplate; with figures and a town behind. c.1634

Callot figure dressed as a standard-bearer walking towards left, his head turned to face front, wearing a plumed hat; with three other figures behind to right. c.1634

Two Callot figures; a lady to left in profile facing right, with a man dressed in rich clothes to right, bowing before her; with other figures on foot or on horseback behind. c.1634

Callot figure dressed as an harquebusier; standing in profile facing left and firing his harquebus, wearing a hat and with a sword at his side, and with a wooden leg; with a military escarpment behind to left. c.1634

Two Callot figures as musicians; an old woman to left, dancing and playing the tambourine, and an old man to right playing the guitar; with other figures dancing behind at centre. c.1634

Pair of Callot figures dancing; a young man to left and an old woman to right, facing front, with houses behind. c.1634

Callot figure playing a drum; standing at centre turned towards left; with soldiers behind to right, musicians and a camp behind to left. c.1634

Les Caprices

Trombonist; seated on a stool in foreground facing left, with a group of musicians behind to left.

Callot figure playing a flute; facing front and dancing as he plays; with a windmill behind to right. c.1634

Four scenes of dwarfs, in the style of Callot

Two Callot figures; old man to right wearing pince-nez, touching the breast of a young woman standing to left, looking down and with her hands in a muff; with houses and figures behind. c.1634


------------Venanzio Monaldini-1687-------------

The Lawyers. Four deformed figures, whole length standing, wearing black cloaks and hats. 1687
Engraving with etching

The couple. Three deformed figures, whole length standing, a woman at centre flanked by two men, the left one holding a wooden spoon. 1687

The Pilgrims. Three deformed figures, whole length standing, all wearing pilgrim capes with St Jacob's shells, the right one kneeling. 1687

The Musician. Three deformed figures, whole length standing, two of them wearing laurels, the middle one blowing a trumpet, a shepherdess at right. 1687

The Smokers. Three deformed figures, whole length standing, all smoking pipes, the right one leaning on a bale. 1687

The Pedlar, Gardener and Hunter. Three deformed figures, whole length standing, one holding a pedlar's box, another with a rake over his left shoulder, and a third leaning on a shot-gun. 1687
Engraving with etching

The Hunters. Three deformed figures, whole length standing, the one at right holding a halberd and pointing a dagger at the other two, who have shot-guns over their left shoulders. 1687

The Cavalier reading. Three deformed figures, whole length standing, one of them reading a letter, while two other men offer him more letters to read. 1687

The Vagabonds. Three deformed figures, whole length standing, all in lumps and wearing large hats, the middle one holding a halberd, the right one a walking stick. 1687

The Alchemist; three deformed figures, whole length standing, the middle one wearing glasses and a large hat, heating up liquids in chemical bottles over a stove, the right figure carrying a basket with charcoal. 1687


-------------Callot figures playing games-------------
--------------attributed to Georg Daniel Heumann----------

A group of callot figures in a room playing a game of marbles; chimney sweep to right; men under a table drinking lemonade with a straw.

A group of callot figures in a room playing billiard; man barbecueing a fish and root vegetables seated on the ground in the foreground to right.

Callot figures of various trades / Butcher
Interior with a group of callot figures; in the foregroud, men chasing and attempting to stab or disecting pigs, male figure making sausages standing on a ladder in the background.

nterior with a group of callot figures playing cards; musicians in the background to right; hawker selling wares to right

A group of callot figures playing pinbow in a park; man seated on a wall smoking a long pipe and holding up an umbrella in the background.

A group of callot figures playing a game of dice; figure playing hurdy-gurdy and another blowing a trumpet in the background; a woman carrying a rucksack filled with coffee pots climbing up a ladder to right.

A group of callot figures in a room; in the foreground to left, a man armed with a sword and gun chasing another male figure who is holding a goose by its neck; man cleaning his gun and two men at a table playing a game of chess in the background.

Interior with a group of callot figures; to the left two men are pouring water over a beggar; another man is seated on a beer barrel to left, smoking a pipe whilst two more are gambling in the foreground to right. c.1720s

Callot figures of various trades / Barber
Interior with a group of callot figures; in the centre, a woman cutting a man's beard; man combing wig in the background to left; two boys force-feeding a goose in the foreground and a man filling a barrel with hot water in which another is about to fall in a drunken state to right.

nterior with a group of callot figures; depicted here, according to the lettered text, is an artist's studio. However, the scene resembles a madhouse with an explorer in jester costume sitting in a pot which is heated up by a fire whilst blowing a trumpet which is decorated with map of America

Curiöse Jägereyen
A group of callot figures including a print seller displaying his goods and standing on a barrel to left; a woman holding a goat and a hunter with a horn.

Das Fuchs-Brellen
Group of callot figures tossing a fox and a man in a blanket; man on horseback and a woman in reveiling dress, attracting the attention of 'Hans Wurst' to right.

У самого Жака Калло больше 200 гравюр, некоторые я уже показывала, если кому интересно- пишите, выложу еще.


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