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Пишет marinni ([info]marinni)
@ 2010-03-20 16:04:00

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Русские и Наполеон- старинные карикатуры.

Русские и Наполеон- старинные карикатуры

One of Post-Waterloo French prints

1. "Голова тирана".1814
2.Раскладная открытка-"Лейпцигская битва"- поздравление с днем св.Валентина.1814

Цари и Суворов:

La coalition des Rois, ou des brigands couronnés, contre le République Française
On the right of the turkey's cage sits a sow suckling two small pigs, beside her and leaning against a tree-trunk which forms the centre of the design is a shield bearing the Russian eagle.

Print made by Isaac Cruikshank
Suvóroff, holding a French army in each crooked elbow, his right foot planted on Paris (left), a fortified town, is about to put his left foot on 'Peters[burg]. His appearance and dress, though caricatured, are less grotesquely untrue to life than in earlier prints. In his cartouche box, inscribed 'Les Directoire', are the five Directors

Alexander I sits full face sideways in an upright chair, supporting his chin on his left hand, which rests on the hilt of his tall sword, his elbow on the back of his chair. He gazes before him in perplexity, between the Queen of Prussia (l.) who holds his right. wrist, and George III who advances from the r., laden with money-bags.

Print made by James Gillray
Paul I, caricatured, stands full-face, his head turned in profile to the left, and looking up, arrogant and mean. He wears uniform with a star, two Crosses of the Order of the Knights of St. John, and a ribbon. (He had been elected Grand Master in Oct. 1798 by the Knights, exiled from Malta, who had sought refuge in Russia.)

---------------------Русский медведь и зима--------------------

The Russian bear and her invincible rider encountering the British legion.
Published by William Holland
Prince Potemkin (left) rides astride the back of a bear with the crowned head of Catherine II. His sabre is raised above his head to strike opponents who stand with levelled spears. These stand in a close group headed by George III (crowned) and Salisbury, the Lord Chamberlain.

L'Angleterre démontée par la perte de ses deux meilleurs chevaux de bataille, François II et Alexandre I
A female monster, 'l'Angleterre', rides astride (l. to r.) a curiously shaped bear, with a pig's tail, crowned, and inscribed 'Animal Russe"

General Frost shaveing little Boney
General Frost towers above Napoleon who stands in the snow, his arms folded, while Frost, standing behind him, holds his victim's nose, and flourishes a large razor of 'Russian Steel'. Frost is a grotesque monster, nude to the waist and with the legs of a bear

Boney and his army in winter quarters.

Boney hatching a bulletin or Snug Winter Quarters!!!

=================Наполеон и капитуляция=================

Раскладная открытка- поздравление:

В сложенном виде- профиль Наполеона
The Battle of Leipsic- or- Boney griped- a German Valentine.
A triple design, so folded that when both halves of the outer page (which is bisected horizontally) are closed there is a bust portrait of Napoleon

Открытка в раскрытом виде
The Battle of Leipsic- or- Boney griped- a German Valentine.
Each has an appropriate verse. A flattering bust portrait of Napoleon, the head turned in profile to the left. He wears furred Turkish robes, and an oddly-shaped turban; the folds round the head are trimmed with pearls; the (pink) crown is large and like a pointed egg, this part forms the point of a heart in the second design.

Le Marché conclu, ou la Capitulation
A satire on the capitulation of Paris. It is being signed by Talleyrand and (?) Marmont, who are fox and cat respectively, with human heads (not caricatured). They are heavily bribed by three officers (much caricatured) representing the Allies.

Unknown Imperial Russian General. Anti-Napoleon Watercolor circa 1814

La tête du tyran est érasée par l'aigle des alliés
After Johann Michael Voltz
Reproduction (facsimile) Fuchs, i. 172. A bust portrait of Napoleon in profile to the left, based on a head engraved by Lehmann after a portrait by Dahling (1807).


French post extraordinary from Moscow to Paris.
Print made by George Cruikshank )

The wags of Paris, or the downfall of Nap. the great.

Blucher the brave extracting the groan of abdication from the Corsican blood hound.
Print made by Thomas Rowlandson

One of Post-Waterloo French prints arranged before authentic dates were ascertained from De Vinck. Napoleon, wearing his petit chapeau, with the body of a spotted feline animal, is ordered to dance by three representatives of the AlliesNapoleon turns his head to say to him: "M. Mrs les Démons laissez moi donc." A Russian soldier (right) plays a flute, saying, "Non tu dansera tu sautera [see No. 12046]." .
September 1815

John Bull and the Cossacks in London. Satirist 1st May 1813

Plate from the 'Satirist'. A Cossack stands in a London street, holding an enormously long spear in his left hand, his right hand is grasped by John Bull

Еще много интересных картинок по теме:

Русская кампания. Большая галерея картин и портретов военноначальников. Галерея:
Продолжение- русские в Париже, 1814- следует.

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2010-03-20 12:20 (ссылка)
Очень интересная тема.Спасибо! С царями ,так бесцеремонно,не по царски.

(Ответить) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2010-03-20 13:42 (ссылка)
Демократия при монархии:)

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2010-03-20 13:34 (ссылка)
Привет! Не могла прочитать , что хоть там написано. Это французы так шутили?

(Ответить) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2010-03-20 13:41 (ссылка)

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2010-03-20 14:44 (ссылка)
спасибо вам, чудесная подборка! после посещения московской выставки Верещагина очень кстати и интересно.


2010-03-20 14:45 (ссылка)
Тогда понятно. Их симпатия понятна, а вот себя они не стали так изображать.


2010-03-20 21:34 (ссылка)
здорово было на лице Наполеона разглядеть кучу голых человечков...
спасибо, очень интересно!


2010-03-21 11:25 (ссылка)
"Очиталась" в заголовке: "Странные карикатуры" вместо "старинные". Оказалось, правильно "очиталась". Своеобразное ч\ю у англичан было в те времена :)


2010-04-26 18:09 (ссылка)
Спасибо.интересно.а где можно увидеть французские карикатуры на казаков?

(Ответить) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2010-04-26 18:43 (ссылка)
По тэгу "карикатуры" или "история костюма"

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