Бродячие и уличные торговцы. Часть 1.
Бродячие и уличные торговцы.
Спящий разносчик и обезьянки-воришки.1470-90
Бродячие и уличные торговцы и ремесленники.
Это, пожалуй- самая низшая каста торговцев. У них не было денег, чтобы открыть собственную лавку или заплатить за место на рынке. Но часто и клиентов можно было найти, только передвигаясь самому.
Их было множество со времен средневековья, на протяжении почти всего 18-го и 19 века,да и сейчас.
Цирюльники-хирурги, слесари, продавцы необходимых в хозяйстве вещей во множестве бродили по городам и весям. Товар или инструменты носили в корзинах, часто на голове, у некоторых были переносные прилавки, раскладные сундуки-витрины, наиболее успешные имели ослика.
After Thomas Gainsborough
A Suffolk costermonger wearing a slouched hat, standing beside his laden donkey; after Gainsborough (Waterhouse 816a). c.1755
Зазывали покупателей всячески: громкими криками, остроумными стишками, некоторые пели песенки и баллады.
Женщины были исключены из большинства торговых гильдий. Однако, если ее муж умер, вдова имела право управлять своим делам, а члены гильдии давали на это разрешение.
After Jacopo Amigoni
Print made by G Child
A street trader pushing a barrow of apples, with a dog sniffing the ground and a view of London in the background. c.1735
Print made by Charles David
After Francesco Villamena
Standing street trader, carrying a barrel hanging from a stick, and holding goblet and funnel in right hand
=========Спящий разносчик и обезьянки-воры================
Этот сюжет был популярен в европейской гравюре, многие знают гравюру Брейгеля, вот еще:
The monkeys and the pedlar; in the foreground a pedlar is sleeping under a tree on which monkeys are playing with goods taken from his basket; other monkeys are on ground. c.1470-90
After Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Published by Hieronymus Cock
The Sleeping Pedlar Robbed by Monkeys. The pedlar lies in middle foreground, while all around him monkeys spread his wares about and invade his person, pulling down his breeches and looking through his hair for lice. 1562
After Pieter van der Borcht
Published by Robert Pricke
A pedlar robbed by apes; he lies asleep while a band of monkeys go through his possessions and abuse him; in the background a stall manned by apes and several trees. c.1660s
Etching and engraving
Le colporteur et les singes
Published by Emile Periaux
Broadside with two subjects: above a woodcut of the pedlar being robbed by monkeys, with explanatory text placing the scene in America; and below seven busts of men convicted of robbery, with associated text which also includes a report of the death sentence on one Thibert (Rouen, Emile Periaux, nd, c.1820)
===============Уличные торговцы===============
=================Marcellus Laroon(1653-1702)=============
The Cries of London Engraved after ye Designs made from ye Life by M Lauron. Printed for Iohn Bowles (c. 1740)
Marcellus Laroon’s The Cryes of the City of London drawne after the life were originally published in 1687 by Pierce Tempest, and were reprinted by him in 1688, 1689.
Эта серия гравюр была издана в 1687 году и переиздавались много раз в течение 18 века.
Quite Ripe Sir (c. 1780)Продавщица вишен.
It shows a woman wheeling a barrow of cherries. In its season fruit was more profitable than fish, and many women deserted the fish market in its favour.
Ножи Комбс или Inkhornes (1753)
[Knife Grinder] (1805)
Точильщик ножей.
Knife-grinders, with their transportable equipment, were able to go from house to house, in towns or villages. Here, in a hand-coloured print of 1805, a knife-grinder is shown in an isolated rural setting. His poverty is apparent from his ragged clothes, and his sole companion is a dog.
Продавщица метел.Buy a Broom! (c. 1830)
Купить метлы! ( c . 1830) (С. 1830)
Any Chairs to Mend (c. 1866-67)
Maids buy a Mop (1753)
126 126
Buy a fine Table Basket (1753?) Купить хорошие корзины (1753?)
голландские Biskets (?)
Buy my Dutch Biskets (1711?)
Good Fish and Fine Flesh (c. 1780)
Buy my fine Singing Glasses
купите "поющие ...."- (они не существуют сейчас)
From c. 1635, the glass trade in London was controlled by the Company of Glass-sellers who prosecuted illegal hawkers. However, novelty singing glasses were probably excluded from this control. The shorter glasses in the hawker’s left hand are ‘singing glasses’ or ‘music glasses,’ none of which survive today. The longer glasses were fitted with mouthpieces with reeds, and were called ‘glass trumpets’ or ‘glass horns.
Продавец дешевого "русского или шотландского"сукна- с добавлением волокон крапивы
Scotch or Russia Cloath
Scotch cloth was ‘a textile fabric resembling lawn, but cheaper; said to have been made of nettle fibre’ (OED), while Russia cloth was a coarse linen.
Продавец париков
Fine Tye, or a Fine Bob Sir
This enterprising seller of wigs has established a makeshift stall in Middle Row, ‘Holbourn’.
Продавец очков
Fine Ground Spectacles for all Sights
Spectacles were sold by hawkers in both town and country. In the 18th century, opticians’ skills were improving in adapting lenses to specific sight. However, much damage was done by inappropriate spectacles sold by hawkers.
Продавщица артишоков
===============Nicolas Guérard II=====================
============Diverses petites figures des cris de Paris====
молочница с осликом и бегущие фигуры
street-traders in a street; on the right, a woman selling milk carried by a dnkey; in the background, six street-traders, running to the right
нищий и дама у портшеза
Print made by Nicolas Guérard II
1695-1740 (circa)
Plate 15: beggar adressing a woman about to get on a sedan-chair
торговцы одеждой и скобяными товарами на улице
street-traders in a street; on the left a woman buying ashes form another woman, and scrap metal merchants; on the right, a woman selling clothes; in the background, a woman sellingtoy windmills
галантерейщик и его семья
a haberdasher and his family, walking to the right
на левом группа из трех мужчин, один продает птиц, один метелки из перьев для пыли,другие- кувшины, справа чистильщик обуви, на заднем плане, человек продает ножницы
street-traders in a street; on the left a group of three men, one selling birds, the other jugs, and the last one feather dusters; on the right, a shoe-shiner; in the background, a man selling scissors
слева женщина, продавающая сметану(?) для детей, и справа, мальчик смотрит в "волшебный сундучок"через линзу, продавец табачных изделий
street-traders in a street with, on the left woman selling cream cheese to children and, on the right, a boy looking into a boy through a lens; man selling tobacco in the background
Картинок с торговцами на улицах Парижа много, я обязательно их выложу.
Costermonger- "передвижной" торговец.
Published by Thomas McLean
Printed by Charles Motte
Four street-sellers give their views on Reform. An Irish milk-woman (left), wearing her yoke, stands with hands on hips looking to the right; she has put down her pails and a costermonger's ass drinks from one of them.
-------------Конфликты на улицах-------------------
Print made by William Heath
An old woman and two little sweeps try in vain to move an ass (left) laden with a big bag of soot. One boy tugs at the head, the other puts a thorn branch under the tail, the woman thrashes it furiously with a broom.
A cart race.
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