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Старинные супницы и соусницы Супницы и соусницыЗдесь старинные ценнейшие экземпляры из музея Виктории и Альберта и антикварных сайтов. Soup tureen, cover and stand.Дерби.1796-1801 Creil and Montereau "Flora" Faience Service Circa 1876-1884 1.Китай. 1763г.2.Turkey Tureen 18 век An important Meissen porcelain Lobster Tureen with cover and underplatter, made for Count Von Bruhl, circa 1737. Gaudy English Lidded Tureen on Base Sceaux Faience Rococo Tureen Circa 1750-55 Soup tureen, cover and stand Дерби 1796-1801 (made) Creil and Montereau "Flora" Faience Service Circa 1876-1884 FRENCH PORCELAIN COVERED TUREEN, 19thC French porcelain tureen, Paris Royal Ironstone Covered Sauce Tureen & Under Tray, Englis Hand Painted Castel Limoges Soup Tureen & Tray with Encrusted Gold Décor by Artist “Villoutreix” Soup tureen 1820 Sauce tureen Loosely copied from 18th-century Sèvres porcelain, Staffordshire porcelain patterns with ground colours and shaped panels in reserve became highly popular in the 1830s. ---------------------ампир и позже----------------------- Antique Royal Vienna Porcelain Pedestal Tureen 19TH CENTURY CIRCA 1830 VERY PRETTY COBALT BLUE HAND PAINTED PORCELAIN SAUCE TUREEN WITH TWO HANDLES AND FOOTED PEDESTAL ON SEPARATE Tureen, cover and stand. 19 век -----------------------фаянс------------ ======================================== ca. 1755-ca. 1765 (made) Italian Capodimonte covered porcelain tureen with putti form finial & carry handles Creil and Montereau "Flora" Faience Service Circa 1876-1884 Royal Worcester Tureen and Cover -------------------Фигурные-старинные--- ======================================== A rabbit tureen 'as large as life', Chelsea, circa 1755 (Schreiber-http://www.britishceramics.c This tureen in the shape of a boar's head served as a table decoration. Chinese potters made many different animal shapes for export based on examples made in Europe. Records of the Dutch East India Company list orders for 25 boar's head tureens in 1763. The Chinese Export famille rose porcelain tureen in the form of a bull fetched $1,494, and the Nineteenth Century famille rose celadon porcelain covered sauce tureen sold for $891. Figural soup tureens are among the most coveted examples of Chinese porcelain made for the West. A bid of $93,600 ($80/120,000) won this 13½-inch enamel decorated goose tureen for Bill Stahl, a Sotheby's consultant who presided over the $11.1 million Meyer sale at Sotheby's in 1996. Both this tureen and a similar one in the Meyer collection came from Michigan dealer Jess Pavey. Turkey Tureen flickr.com/photos/maiac/3304405415/ 18th-century tin-glazed earthenware with enamel decoration, from the Strasbourg (France) Hannong Factory, in the Detroit Institute of Arts. ---------------------Для соусов------------------------ ======================================== An exquisite Meissen porcelain Armorial covered Tureen, circa 1860. Antique Victorian Brown Transferware Sauce Tureen & Ladle ~ C. 1880's ~ Scroll Pattern, Parisian Granite ~ TG & F Booth, England --------------------современные--------- ---------------------Серебряные--------- ======================================== Sauce tureen 1760 English silverplate covered tureen. Их так много, что нужен отдельный пост. Надеюсь, теперь никто не примет ночной горшок, пусть даже очень красивый- за супницу или соусницу. У ночного горшка самое широкое место- отверстие, он по форме- полусфера. А супницы имеют, как правило, более сложную форму, чаще всего расширяются к середине, либо сужаются к низу и имеют ножки или подставку. посмотреть: Старинный туалет. Ночные горшки и унитазы-ТУТ =============================== http://media.vam.ac.uk/ http://artpottery.oneofakindantiques.co http://www.liveauctioneers.com/sear http://www.alhambraantiques.com/ Добавить комментарий: |