merry_prankster's Journal
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Friday, June 25th, 2021

    Time Event
    Vän - Thaiboy Digital

    Well... you
    My friend isn't a good person
    My friend isn't a good person
    I wanna say " Love you" to someone but i love nobody
    My friend isn't a rich
    My friend isn't a good person
    And i'm not a rich person either... i wanna tell "Love you" to you but i have no much money
    My friend isn't a rich
    My friend isn't a good person
    But i love truly and actually love you. Even though i have no money but i really love you
    My friend isn't a good person
    My friend isn't a popular one (high class)
    But i actually love you
    My friend isn't a good person
    My friend isn't a good person

    (translation from Thai)

    Current Mood: awake
    Current Music: Vän - Thaiboy Digital

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