merry_prankster's Journal
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Friday, December 1st, 2023

    Time Event
    OM -- Meditation is the Practice of Death
    The pranayamic ground litmus. Ascetic brace the will ascend
    Converge onto the death ground - Advance the Rinpoche
    Negates now illusorics - ascendant to the cleric school
    Stands upon ground of flight and claim's freedom. Destroyer of the ghost void
    Hail vespers - shield from the demonsphere
    Effulgent recitation - white light ambassador
    O John the Baptist - triumphant beam release
    Groundates the hermitage - the last ascent and freed
    Travel on now Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
    Weeps into purified - the Self is not a void
    Rounds upon Golgothic screen
    Adhan fard salah - grant that I have seen
    Walk on O sadhak

    Current Mood: working
    Current Music: OM -- Meditation is the Practice of Death
    SLEEP -- Antarcticans Thawed
    Ice cap miles thaw to freedom
    Sets free Antarctic legion
    Awake limbs, to reach a sun's rays
    Blood thaws throughout the unused veins
    Antarcticans near the titan's base
    Matterhorn's climb initiates
    Mountain's highest point receives
    Boards the sky-barge to cross sky-sea
    Matterhorn's children set free
    From slab arise stoned priest
    Hierophant sun prevails
    Windship at last now sails
    Glaciers formate upon the ice age siege
    Walk the icebergs toward cities
    Glaciers formate upon the ice age siege
    Rise the icebergs as war machines

    Current Mood: peaceful
    Current Music: SLEEP -- Antarcticans Thawed

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