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Пишет Могель (АКМ Шалом) ([info]mogel1488)
@ 2008-09-07 23:16:00

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[info]kombol@lj подкинул. Картинка весьма точно передает мое ныншнее состояние

So, this is the West, a land we're meant to defend
Of happy slaves, who will babble to the end
Beneath the towers, where finaciers roost
But above them the sun
That sings out an ancient truth
Against, the modern world
On a hill that leads down to the sea
The last batallions of those who wait to see
The northern lights and the midnight sun
They await their sunrise
That they know will surely com
Against the modern world

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2008-09-07 19:16 (ссылка)
а чё, нормальный парень вырастет, если не будет против таких костюмчиков.
институт, аспирантура, бэха, родители с квартирой помогут.
всё как у людей.


2008-09-20 17:34 (ссылка)
Every empire will fall
Every monument crumble
Forgotten men who watch the centuries

Whose silent words
Rise up in betrayal
We will rise up in betrayal

Where is the fighting man?
Am I he?
You would trade every truth
For hollow victories

Every empire falls
And the earth to ashes turn
The lands of my birth
Shall be my tomb
